About Hatz

Sat.1 Bayern reports on international top diesel technology "Made in Ruhstorf"

The topic of "clean diesel technology" is currently the focus of public interest due to the current driving ban discussions in Germany. For the regional TV magazine "Sat.1 Bayern", Motorenfabrik Hatz provided exclusive insights into the development and production of its low-emission industrial engines.

CEO at Hatz, Bernd Krüper informs about the strict exhaust gas requirements for industrial diesel engines

The media interest in the topic of "pollutant emissions from diesel engines" is great, especially since the reputation of diesel technology has recently been damaged by a series of negative headlines. In order to enrich the discussion, which is largely conducted superficially in the media, with facts and concrete information, Motorenfabrik Hatz has decided to take a stand in the Sat.1 regional magazine.

Go to detailed press information (German only)
